Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Madi's new trick!

Well I have been trying to keep this blog updated but my computer has been giving me fits. We have been blessed with many prayers that seem to be working for Madi right now. She continues to amaze us everyday! She has a new trick that I never expected her to do. My mom bought her this cute little pink chair that sits close to the ground. We have been working with her on getting in and out of the chair in hopes that she can do this herself. Well on Saturday morning she showed Tom what she has really been up to. She pulled herself to a stand. She puts her little hands on the arms of the chair, gets her legs out behind her, then slowly moves them in step by step. She has done this many times now and even gets fancy and lets go with one hand. We all clap and give her praise. She smiles sooooo big and is so proud of herself. She can stand there for 3-5 minutes! I can't wait to show our therapist! She will be just as excited as we are. We know that all of these little miracles are because of so many prayers! Please continue to keep Madison in your prayers and our spunky little Madi will continue to shock us all!

1 comment:

The St. Martin's said...

Way to go Madi!! Kids truly are amazing and it is wonderful to see all the obstacles they are able to overcome! Madi is definitely a fighter! I'll pray for many more "tricks" in the coming days!! I miss you guys!

Lots of love, Kim